Tag Archives: Cajun Yard Dog

Sandwich Envy Taught Me a Lesson

27 Jan

I love sitting down and demolishing a whole cheeseburger and french fries like any other red-blooded American. I grew up on Wendy’s hamburgers, so having my own meal has been engrained in my head since day one. I had my own tray with a kids meal and drink on it. No one else touched it, and I knew that I could eat it all because it was specially packaged just for me.

To me, sharing was always something you did when you ordered an Awesome Blossom or some other huge appetizer from (Insert Name Here) Bar & Grill. But the entrée was off-limits (except those pesky vegetables…my dogs growing up ate a lot of green beans and spinach).

The idea of sharing has changed my perception of eating for the better. There’s no better way to explore the culinary capabilities of a restaurant than through trying a wide sample of the food they offer. I’ve always been one who orders the same thing when dining out at a restaurant we’ve been to in the past. When I find something I like, I tend to stick with it and rarely shy away to try anything new. Continue reading